DSCN3426.JPG Pinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPGPinyon jay.  We saw a couple of them at Cedar Ridge.СликичкиDSCN3420.JPG