
Not much new news, unfortunately. I saw the surgeon a few weeks ago and am now waiting for insurance approval for the revision. I’m impatient — I just want to get this over with already.

I also did end up going back to the audiologist to get my left processor changed back to the previous program, as the tweaks to compensate for the bad electrodes were driving me nuts. As it is now, the volume and quality are worse than the right side, but I can live with it until I can get the revision done.

I ordered waterproof cases for both my processors, and I got a CI Wear shirt — this is a really cool product that someone on the CI Community Discord told me about. It has a closed pocket on either sleeve for the waterproof case, and inside the pocket is a sturdy elastic to clip the case to, as well as a hole to allow you to thread the cable through the sleeve, up the back of the shirt, and out the neck. I believe this is going to be my solution to the roller coaster problem; it might not keep the headpieces from coming off my head, but they won’t get lost. Now it just needs to get warmer so I can try it out!

But in the meantime, just waiting, waiting, waiting for that insurance approval….

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