Post-Op Check

Saw the doctor for my post-op check today. He said everything went well during the surgery (I didn’t see him afterward, so anything I heard about the surgery that day, I got from what he told my husband), and everything looks fine now. Oddly, I am actually feeling a bit more pain now than I was in the couple days immediately following the surgery — some twinges in my ear and the occasional throbbing on that side of my head. But none of it is very long-lasting or very high on the pain scale and Tylenol helps, so the doctor decided not to give me antibiotics or anything, especially since there’s no sign of infection.

I went back to work this afternoon; had been planning to work the whole day, but the doctor’s office rescheduled my appointment to several hours later than it was originally and it’s closer to home than work, so I did a half-day instead. The doctor also cleared me to start exercising again, so I guess I’ll go back to the gym tomorrow. I’d love to take a bike ride since this heat wave is supposed to break, but I don’t think I can wear a helmet just yet; that side of my head is still pretty tender.

I’m supposed to make my activation appointment for three weeks from now; currently I’m playing phone tag with the office trying to schedule it. Hopefully I’ll get them tomorrow.

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